Download September 2024 SAP Newsletter
SAP Connection September 2024
A monthly newsletter brought to you by PA Network for Student Assistance Services (PNSAS)
SAP Interagency
Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs (DDAP)
PA Department of Education (PDE)
Department of Human Services (DHS)
This year’s SAP articles will focus on the four phases of SAP. The PA
Network for Student Assistance Services has updated SAP training. These
articles will review essential tasks in each phase and highlight any changes in
the new training model. The four phases of SAP are: referral, data collection,
action planning, and follow-up.
Referrals: Receiving SAP Referrals and Observable Behaviors
Every school should have a written referral process that is clear. The
process should be shared annually with all stakeholders. Referrals should be
written and based on observable behaviors of concern. Referrals should not
include feelings or judgements. It is helpful when school staff are trained
regularly on how to make referrals based on observable behaviors of concern.
Any student K-12 can be referred to SAP! There may be some behaviors that
you won’t directly "see" or "hear" at school. Referrals may
come from a parent, peer, or the student, or even if you overhear something (it
can be helpful to use direct quotes on a referral form). Families may report
behaviors of concern that may not be directly observable at school (such as
vaping). Be mindful of cultural and individual differences in terms of how some
concerns may or may not present. SAP team members and school staff need to be
aware of their own biases as they collaborate with students and families.
Who can refer to SAP? Anyone! Including: administrators, teachers,
school mental health professionals, contracted staff (transportation,
custodial, or food service staff), school safety staff, paraprofessionals,
parents/guardians, peers, self, or other school teams. Sometimes, community
members even refer students.
The PA Network for Student Assistance Services developed a Sample SAP Referral Form for schools to download and customize. Some school referral forms ask
for additional details, such as student strengths, prior strategies/supports
tried, and parent/guardian contact(s) made.
After a crisis, referrals may be appropriate for SAP after immediate
needs have been addressed. A new stance for SAP is that unless it is a crisis
or a clear issue for another school-based team, all referrals should at least
move to the data collection phase. We need to make sure students do not fall
between the cracks and that we at least explore things before making a decision
that they do not need SAP services. After receiving a referral, some teams send
a “thank you” to the referral source without sharing specific details being
discussed by the SAP team. This ensures the referral source that you have
received it and are looking into their concern.
Schools may want to review their referral process and make any updates
and share with all stakeholders.
Standardized 2-Day SAP K-12 Training -
training has been standardized across the state of PA. The updated 2-day
training is now available for new SAP team members everywhere and Act 48 and
Act 45 credits are available.
Review all SAP K-12 Trainings
available and access registration information here.
SAP Retraining & Refresher - This new
training opportunity was offered by PNSAS as a free 1 hour virtual retraining
covering parts of the revised training, including: the new four phase SAP
process, updated best practices, and revised SAP terminology. *All Fall sessions are currently full!If you are interested and were unable
to register before sessions closed, please reach out to your Regional Coordinator to
inquire about future statewide sessions and the possibility of local sessions.
SAP Liaison Networking Meetings - SAP
Liaisons- Join liaisons from across the state for networking
opportunities on the following dates:
10/24/24: 3pm-4pm
1/15/25: 11am-12pm
3/11/25: 3pm-4pm
5/15/25: 11am-12pm
Access the meetings via zoom here.
2025 PSA Contest for Youth Suicide
Prevention -Prevent Suicide PAis excited to announce the 13th
annual PSA contest for high school students. This is a great opportunity to
engage students in a dialogue around suicide prevention, the importance of
positive messaging, and communicating effectively.
The 2025 contest will be announced on
Monday, September 16, 2024. All submissions are due by Friday, December 20th,
2024. This year we are introducing a deadline for students who would like
feedback on their submissions. Students who would like our feedback on their
PSAs before they are judged must submit their PSAs by Friday, December 6th,
2024. Contest rules and submission guidelines will be available on the PSA
website soon.
We’re introducing a PSA Contest Toolkit. This toolkit includes updated rules
and submission guidelines, tips on how to promote the contest, social media
shareables, and a list of suicide prevention resources. All the winning and
honorable mention PSAs from previous years are available for free public use
including 2024 winners here. These
are great resources to use during Suicide Prevention Month (September) and
throughout the year.
Pennsylvania’s Suicide Prevention
Month Guide (“Start the Conversation”) -The Jana Marie Foundation,
Aevidum, Prevent Suicide PA, Pennsylvania Network for Student Assistance
Services (PNSAS), STAR-Center at the University of Pittsburgh, and Garrett Lee
Smith (GLS) Youth Suicide Prevention Grant are pleased to share a resource guide for National Suicide Prevention Month. Within
the month of September, the week of September 8th-14th is recognized as
National Suicide Prevention Week, with Tuesday, September 10th marking World
Suicide Prevention Day. This year’s theme is “Changing the Narrative on
Suicide,” with a call to action to “Start the Conversation.”
The resource guide provides examples
of activities that you can implement in your organization or community to raise
awareness of the importance of suicide prevention. This includes ideas for
events, training, social media posts, virtual backgrounds, a sample
proclamation, and more.
SAP Training - For upcoming training opportunities, click here.
SAP Liaisons - SAP
Liaison Networking Meetings are being held on these dates:
10/24/24: 3pm-4pm
1/15/25: 11am-12pm
3/11/25: 3pm-4pm
5/15/25: 11am-12pm
Access the meetings via zoom here.
For open PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) grant
opportunities, click here.