Download February 2025 SAP Newsletter
SAP Connection February 2025
A monthly newsletter brought to you by PA Network for Student Assistance Services (PNSAS)
SAP Interagency
Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs (DDAP)
PA Department of Education (PDE)
Department of Human Services (DHS)
This year’s SAP articles will focus on the four phases of SAP. The PA Network for Student Assistance Services has updated SAP training. These articles will review essential tasks in each phase
and highlight any changes in the new training model. The four phases of SAP are: referral, data collection, action planning, and follow-up.
A SAP action plan is data driven tool
that provides a structure to set goals and monitor student progress towards
resolution of the referral reason. Action plans support follow-through and
accountability by establishing measurable indicators of success and determining
if student needs are being met.
The action plan documents the steps
necessary to connect students to the school and/or community services that are
being recommended. Sharing the action plan document with the student and family
increases collaboration and communication. The PA Network for Student
Assistance Services (PNSAS) developed a fillable action plan template in the
“Sample Forms” section of the Teams page on the PNSAS website. Action plan formats can vary, so
feel free to amend this form or develop your own.
In the SAP action plan, teams will
summarize data, prioritize concerns to be addressed, and highlight strengths.
Action plans should establish goal(s) for the student. Select the data that
will help monitor the student's progress towards the identified goals, which
may be the same data that demonstrated the concern (e.g., attendance data,
behavior checklists, etc.). For each goal, action steps will be created that
document what steps will be taken, who will be responsible, and the timeline.
The team should set check-in dates and timelines for monitoring student
progress and making decisions about modifying the plan or closing the case,
When selecting school-based
interventions and supports, consider student strengths and concerns. Strengths
can be used to increase engagement and build protective factors. Review the
data collected to find opportunities to promote and foster resilience. Ensure
the priorities of the SAP team align with the priorities, preferences, and
cultural needs of the family and student. It is important to check the
availability of resources both in the school and in the community.
When identifying supports, be sure to
consider factors that may influence family engagement. Does the family have
adequate transportation to access the recommended supports? Are the recommended
supports offered at times that work for the family’s schedule? Would the
support cause them to need childcare for other children? Other considerations
include past negative experiences, distrust, and privacy concerns. It’s
important to remember to practice empathy, avoid judgment, and continue to work
toward a mutually agreed upon plan.
When your team has questions about
potential mental health or substance use concerns, your next step should be to
connect with your SAP Liaison. Liaisons have expertise and knowledge of
community resources that can help inform appropriate recommendations. SAP
Liaison services vary by county and may include screening or assessment for
MH/D&A concerns. If your school does not have a SAP liaison, contact your
local county mental health and drug and alcohol agencies to determine what
resources are available.
Next month’s article will continue
with the action planning stage and delve into resource mapping, identifying
appropriate supports, and liaison supports.
out to your PNSAS Regional Coordinator for assistance.
PASAP Conference Registration is Open
- The Pennsylvania Association of Student Assistance Professionals
is hosting their annual conference on February 23-25, 2025 in State College.
Registration is now open and more information can be found by clicking here.
SAP Retraining & Refresher - PNSAS is
pleased to announce that over 1,500 individuals have participated in SAP
Retraining & Refresher sessions!Trainings have been held both
statewide and locally. PNSAS staff will be presenting the SAP Retraining &
Refresher at the 2025 PASAP Conference on Sunday afternoon (2/23).If you are interested and were unable
to register before sessions closed, please reach out to your Regional Coordinator to
inquire about availability of additional sessions.
2025 PSA Contest for Youth Suicide
Prevention - Public voting is now open for Prevent Suicide PA’s 13th
annual PSA contest for high school students. This is a great opportunity to
engage students in a dialogue around suicide prevention, the importance of
positive messaging, and communicating effectively. You may review contest entries and
vote for your favorites here. You may vote once daily for as many
finalists as you’d like. Winners will be announced in early March. Public
voting closes Monday, February 17th at 5:00 pm.
New 2023-2024 SAP Infographics Now
Available -The SAP PDE 4092 Infographic data shows SAP teams in PA received
96,518 referrals in 2023-2024. Of those referrals, 33.1% of referrals were at
the elementary level, with referrals peaking in 9th grade. The top referral
sources reported were Instructional Staff and School Mental Health
Professionals. The top referral reasons reported were Externalizing and
Internalizing Behaviors. The SAP Liaison Services Infographic data shows liaisons participated in
30,444 SAP team meetings in 2023-2024. A total of 20,462 students were screened
or assessed for suicidal ideation. Liaisons completed 15,220 screenings and
17,028 assessments in 2023-2024. Of those completed liaison assessments, 72.5%
were Mental Health assessments, 11.5% were Drug & Alcohol assessments, and
16.0% were Co-Occurring Assessments.
infographics are located on the PNSAS website at
Training Opportunities
SAP Training - For upcoming training opportunities, click here.
For open PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) grant
opportunities, click here.