Download March 2025 SAP Newsletter
SAP Connection March 2025
A monthly newsletter brought to you by PA Network for Student Assistance Services (PNSAS)
SAP Interagency
Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs (DDAP)
PA Department of Education (PDE)
Department of Human Services (DHS)
This year’s SAP articles will focus on the four phases of SAP. The PA Network for Student Assistance Services has updated SAP training. These articles will review essential tasks in each phase
and highlight any changes in the new training model. The four phases of SAP are: referral, data collection, action planning, and follow-up.
When identifying appropriate supports for students, consider both school and community supports. For students already receiving supports at school or in the community, the team may recommend that those continue, change, or end. Establish methods for family participation and collaboration. Prioritize youth/family culture, voice, and choice. Consider and address barriers that may impact implementation. Remember, families may choose to decline recommendations within the SAP action plan.
Resource mapping for SAP teams includes improving team knowledge of resources, improving access to resources for students referred to SAP, and to reduce duplication or inappropriate use of resources. It also helps ensure that available supports are known by teams across buildings, and that no one individual is the "keeper" of information. Resource mapping may already have been done as part of other school related efforts (e.g., MTSS, PBIS, etc.). SAP teams may expand existing resource maps to include other resources more relevant for SAP. SAP liaisons are often aware of existing resource maps that can be utilized by the school SAP team. Teams should update resource maps annually. SAP teams can contact their regional coordinator for assistance.
SAP teams should consider additional supports that may benefit the student (besides treatment). SAP teams need to tailor the action plan to the strengths and needs of each referred student. Students may benefit from in school support and/or skill-building, and there may be additional community-based recommendations that are beneficial. SAP teams should consider both school and community supports and identify resources in the interim if wait times are an issue. Family and youth voice and choice are critical to increase both their support of the plan and to finding appropriate supports.
SAP Liaisons may provide screening and/or assessment for mental health and/or substance use concerns. Some SAP Liaison agencies provide a screening and may refer to other agencies for an assessment, while others provide assessments. If an assessment indicates that treatment is needed, then the student will receive a level of care recommendation. Confidentiality regulations may limit what the Liaison or the treatment provider is able to share with the SAP team. SAP Liaisons need to be thoughtful about what information they share with the school SAP team, as this becomes part of the student’s educational record under FERPA. Even if the Liaison or treatment provider is unable to share information, school teams can still provide other supports to the student. SAP Liaisons can help make linkages to community supports regardless of whether a screening or assessment is done.
out to your PNSAS Regional Coordinator for assistance.
SAP Team Maintenance - SAP team maintenance is a great activity to engage in during the Spring time! Team maintenance activities and processes are designed to support collaborative working relationships, effective team functioning, and personal wellness among team members. Activities may include reviewing team processes, analyzing data, and developing plans for team wellness. Contact your PNSAS Regional Coordinator for assistance.
Children’s Crisis Symposium - Hosted by OMHSAS in collaboration with Temple University Harrisburg, this inaugural event focuses on enhancing crisis intervention services for children, youth, and young adults. Join us for two days of educational sessions, state updates, clinical best practices, and networking opportunities designed to support counties, providers, and families in navigating behavioral health crises. Information is available here.
• Tuesday, April 29, 2025 - 9:00am-6:00pm
• Wednesday, April 30, 2025 - 9:00am-3:30pm
Location: Hilton Harrisburg
Cost: $45
Registration is located here.
2025 PSA Contest for Youth Suicide Prevention - Prevent Suicide PA is excited to announce the finalists for the 13th annual PSA contest for high school students. This is a great opportunity to engage students in a dialogue around suicide prevention, the importance of positive messaging, and communicating effectively. The PSA contest finalists for the 30 second and 60 radio, 30 and 60 second video, as well as posters are available to view here. The 2025 contest winners will be announced in early March 2025.
New 2023-2024 SAP Infographics Now
Available -The SAP PDE 4092 Infographic data shows SAP teams in PA received
96,518 referrals in 2023-2024. Of those referrals, 33.1% of referrals were at
the elementary level, with referrals peaking in 9th grade. The top referral
sources reported were Instructional Staff and School Mental Health
Professionals. The top referral reasons reported were Externalizing and
Internalizing Behaviors.
The SAP Liaison Services Infographic data shows liaisons participated in
30,444 SAP team meetings in 2023-2024. A total of 20,462 students were screened
or assessed for suicidal ideation. Liaisons completed 15,220 screenings and
17,028 assessments in 2023-2024. Of those completed liaison assessments, 72.5%
were Mental Health assessments, 11.5% were Drug & Alcohol assessments, and
16.0% were Co-Occurring Assessments.
infographics are located on the PNSAS website at
Training Opportunities
SAP Training - For upcoming training opportunities, click here.
For open PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) grant
opportunities, click here.